Jeffery Simpson


Flying high with Wi-Fi

In-flight Wi-Fi has not been something that the average commuter had access to up until recently.

Some tech blogs can be trusted

I've called into question the level of trust that readers can put into the average tech blog, pointing out that more often than not a fantastic scoop will outweigh whether or not...

Tech blogs are often loose with the truth

In tech blogging it's often not who's right; it's who's first because the currency for most bloggers is hits and being proven wrong days or weeks later doesn't hurt the same way...

Wanna meet up with Vancouver bloggers?

If you read the Straight's recent feature on local bloggers and want to meet a few of them and get involved in the the city's blogosphere, you might be interested in the (mos

Status-update site has Net in a Twitter

The microblogging service is a cross between the status-update feature in Facebook and social-bookmarking sites like Delicious. "Tweets" are used to solicit aid, information, and...