Eastside Culture Crawl Artist Spotlight: Richard Tetrault

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      The Straight gets to know some of the artists participating in this year’s upcoming Eastside Culture Crawl.

      Who are you? Richard Tetrault, visual artist and muralist living in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.

      Where is your studio? 884 East Georgia Street.

      How many years have you participated in the East Side Culture Crawl? From the beginning, or 20 years plus! 

      What’s your medium? Painting, printmaking.

      What are some new pieces we can find at your studio during this year’s Crawl? Rain Series and Chinatown Series (paintings and new woodcut prints).

      Explore the 2016 Eastside Culture Crawl's various locations and venues

      The 20th annual Eastside Culture Crawl is a four-day visual arts, design and crafts festival that takes place from November 17 to 20, 2016. For more information, click here.
