Asian Canadian brunch spot Breakfast Table to relocate in South Granville neighbourhood

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      A game of musical chairs is underway in the South Granville area. While it seems like there's been an exodus of businesses from the neighbourhood, there’s one eatery that will be relocating only a few blocks away.

      Businesses that have closed or will be closing include Plum Clothing, Williams-Sonoma, West Restaurant, and Ouisi Bistro.

      However, the closure of that last one has offered an opportunity for a nearby restaurant that is being forced to move out.

      A redevelopment project is slated to take place at the office building at 1489 West Broadway at Granville Street, and will extend across the alleyway to 1465 West Broadway.

      Consequently, three restaurants will be impacted.

      Memphis Blues Barbecue House (1465 West Broadway), Fortune Garden (1475 West Broadway), and Breakfast Table (1481 West Broadway) will all have to shut down or move elsewhere before the end of January.

      Co-owners George Koay and Michael Lee opened Breakfast Table in September 2016 with an intriguing menu spanning Western brunch items with Asian influences.

      Dishes range from coffee-crusted pork belly benedict, beef bulgogi hash, and vegetarian agadashi tofu bowl with crispy rice to zucchini cheddar sourdough waffles and maple cured turkey sandwiches.  

      Breakfast Table

      Lee told the Georgia Straight that they received official notification of their lease termination on October 31 and will have to leave their 42-seater location by January 31.

      Luckily for them, they found a new spot, only blocks away at 3014 Granville Street (between 14th and 15th avenues), where the Cajun-Creole restaurant Ouisi Bistro closed at the end of October after 25 years.

      Lee stated that they haven’t determined yet what the last day will be at their current location, when they will move, or when they will reopen but renovations are underway at the new venue, which they are excited about.

      He also said that the menu will remain the same until they do their seasonal update in the spring.

      More details will be announced once all the final changes have been determined.

      Breakfast Table
      You can follow Craig Takeuchi on Twitter at @cinecraig or on Facebook
