You Nearly Missed: “Subterranean” at VIFF Centre

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      By Raynee Novak

      Curious about what lies beneath? Go underground with two teams of hobbyist BC cavers in the new documentary Subterranean.

      The film, which is currently showing at VIFF Centre and is available for streaming across Canada via Knowledge Network, features teams that are posed to break records for the longest and deepest cave excursions in Canada. It uncovers a story of true adventure and, hopefully, a record-setting discovery.

      Watch the cavers as they combine climbing, diving, and wayfinding, and overcome claustrophobia, to find their way through tunnels to discover hidden caves. It’s sure to help you gain perspective on what makes these thrill-seekers tick.

      Katie Graham discovers a flooded chamber underground at the Bisaro Anima cave in the Rockies and makes the push to get the national caving depth record. Meanwhile, Franck Tuot and his team attempt to link two tunnel systems to create the longest-known cave in Canada. 

      Produced by Jenny Rustemeyer and directed by François-Xavier De Ruydts, Subterranean is guaranteed to get the blood pumping and keep you on your toes (which, thankfully, will remain firmly planted on the earth’s surface).


      When: Until November 5

      Where: ViFF Centre

      Tickets: Available online
