Even If It Kills Me was a difficult birth for Crummy

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      Even If It Kills Me (Independent)

      Whatever bands he’s playing with—from Chopper and the Saucermen to Daddy Issues, and from Little Guitar Army to the Strugglers—Bert Man puts on one of the more consistently entertaining live shows in Vancouver. (He’s got a pretty delightful Facebook page, to boot, digging deep for WTF photos and memes that no one else is posting.)

      His current main project, Crummy, has just put out a second EP, Even If It Kills Me, with a title that refers to the difficult birth of the album. It’s kind of unfortunate to be obliged to say that the high point is his cover of David Bowie’s “Andy Warhol”, but when you hear what Crummy does with it—amping up the guitar hooks, making it much more anthemic, with Bert Man combining a superb faux-Bowie nasal whine with his usual growling and shrieking—you might just come away (as I did) thinking the Crummy version is superior to the original.
