What’s In Your Fridge: Ralph Escamillan, choreographer and founder of FakeKnot

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      What’s In Your Fridge is where the Straight asks interesting Vancouverites about their life-changing concerts, favourite albums, and, most importantly, what’s sitting beside the Heinz ketchup in their custom-made Big Chill Retropolitan 20.6-cubic-foot refrigerators.

      On the grill

      Ralph Escamillan

      Who are you

      I’m the founder and director of two non-profits in the city. Van Vouge Jam is a ballroom-based non-profit offering low-barrier programming for QTBIPOCs in the city. FakeKnot is my company where I currently explore using textile and clothing as ways of creating choreographic narrative. Currently I’m showing my most recent work Croquis at the 36th annual Dancing On The Edge festival, June 18 and 19 at the Firehall Arts Centre, and, in the process, am working on a new ballroom piece called My House to premiere in 2026. As a new artistic associate at The Dance Centre, I’m piloting a new free QTBIPOC workspace in the building.

      First concert

      My first memorable concert was Destiny’s Child on the Destiny Fulfilled Tour on September 10 in 2005. I loved Destiny’s Child as a kid, and my mom—seeing the copious amount of CDs I collected of the group and their individual sophomore solo albums—knew I was a fan. I remember singing the lyrics to every song, standing up and dancing, and people giggling that this little boy knew all the songs and dances. I remember getting the very large tour program that catalogued some of the tour images, and bringing it to school to show all my friends.

      Life-changing concert

      I don’t know if this counts, but I did some backup dancing for the Janet Jackson Unbreakable Tour on September 1, 2015 with a bunch of other local guest dancers. It was definitely life-changing in that my mom was a huge fan of hers, and Janet is actually the inspiration that got her dancing when she was younger. So to be on stage with Janet (on the right of her, to be exact) was truly a dream. Ironically, for most of the concert, all of us were in the holding area, so we only really heard most of it from very far away. But hearing my mom and her joy of seeing me with one of her idols will never be forgotten.

      Top three records

      Beyoncé Dangerously In Love  This album was my queer awakening, truthfully, and continues to be an album that my friends I always come back to. It’s a classic!

      Janet Jackson Damita Jo  A hot take, but I think this Janet album is so underrated. For me, it was one of her strongest albums, with back to back bangers! And the choreography and visuals—never forget! 

      Prince Piano & A Microphone  I didn’t understand Prince for a while, but then found this live album a few years ago. It just reminds me why Prince is one of the most talented artists of our time.

      All-time favourite video

      Janet Jackson “Rock With U”  I still think of this music video to this day. It’s so simple, but so perfect, and highlighted all her amazing dancers from the past. It was a cultural reset.

      What’s in your fridge

      Kewpie mayo. A fridge is not a fridge without Kewpie mayo—the Asian store one, as there are different flavours for Asian consumers. I literally put that stuff on everything. I love that it can just be a condiment with fried chicken, or mixed into a potato salad, or become a way to add some richness to a sauce. It’s transcendent.

      Bag of frozen dumplings. I love cooking—don’t get me wrong—but having a quick meal like some frozen dumplings at the ready is very important in my fridge. If it’s a late night and things are closed I open up some stock, put it to boil, add the dumplings. Enjoy it with some kimchi or pickled something, and you’re set! I also love the versatility of it—that it can be fried for a crispy texture, add a starch skirt if you’re frisky, or steam them lightly on a bed of cabbage. Dumplings FTW.

      Fermented vegetables. Weather it’s kimchi or nukazuke, you can never go wrong with the yummy acidity of fermented vegetables to add some contrast to a rich dish. I feel like I get my vegetables in, but kind of cheating because you get such a pow of flavour. My mouth is salivating already.

      Ralph Escamillan’s FakeKnot production of Croquis has its Canadian premiere at the Firehall Arts Centre on June 18 and 19 as part of Dancing on the Edge.

      David Cooper.
