Former Rebel Media correspondent and Donald Trump defender heads NPA fundraising efforts with party president

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      NPA candidates often like to portray themselves as centrist and non-ideological.

      Despite this, a former B.C. bureau chief with the alt-right website Rebel Media is now heading up the Vancouver civic party's fundraising committee, along with party president David Mawhinney.

      Christopher Wilson is a recently elected NPA director who has often expressed his support for mining and oil sectors, as well as for U.S. president Donald Trump.  

      In fact, there are several Rebel Media videos on YouTube showing Wilson defending Trump against his critics in the media.

      "I condemn and disavow the alt-right and their violent, racist actions on Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia," Wilson says in the first video below. "And so does President Trump. So how many times does he have to repeat himself until the media finally accept that?

      "And is it so wrong to acknowledge what was in plain sight on Saturday? Radical left-wing Antifa using black bloc tactics and committing acts of violence, as they seem to have been doing nonstop until at least Trump's election if not even further back into the Republican primary?" Wilson continued. "If you missed it, here is a little sample of what was once again a glorious Trump versus the fake news media press conference from Trump Tower yesterday."

      Wilson then goes to a clip of Trump condemning in the strongest possible terms "this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence" in Charlottesville, with cabinet secretaries Steve Mnuchin and Elaine Chao by his side.

      Wilson also defends Trump's initial waffling, in which the president said there were good people on both sides. And Wilson points out in the video that Nazis had a permit to march in Charlottesville, unlike their left-wing opponents with whom they clashed.

      In the next video below, Wilson lavishes praise on Trump for his role in freeing three U.S. basketball players from China after they were accused of shoplifting.

      Christopher Wilson praises Donald Trump's role in freeing three U.S. basketball players from China.

      In the next video, Wilson compares Trump's natural-resources policies extremely favourably to those of Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau.

      Christopher Wilson appears in this video contrasting Justin Trudeau's approach to natural resources with that of Donald Trump.

      Wilson created videos on many other subjects, including the rise of "white-shaming" on college campuses. You can watch that below.

      Video: Christopher Wilson describes universities as "adult daycare facilities" where "white-blaming" and "white-shaming" takes place.

      Wilson is a director-at-large on the board of the B.C. Conservatives, according to its website.

      The secretary of the B.C. Conservatives is Glen Chernen, who lost his bid for the NPA mayoral nomination last year before seeking a council seat with Coalition Vancouver.

      The president of the B.C. Conservatives is Ryan Warawa, who was also recently elected as an NPA director.

      The B.C. Conservatives' website states that the party's top objective is to get rid of the carbon tax.

      The carbon tax was also a favourite hobby horse of Wilson when he was covering natural resources for Rebel Media. 

      In the past, he described former environment and climate change minister Catherine McKenna as a "Climate Barbie", earning a stinging rebuke from her at a news conference. 

      Video: Liberal cabinet minister Catherine McKenna demands that Rebel Media stop calling her a "Climate Barbie".

      Wilson is heard in the video denying that he personally referred to McKenna by this term. However, a writer for Maclean's later reported that he deleted several of his tweets mentioning "Climate Barbie" and this phrase appeared twice in a column that was still online at the time.

      In Wilson's exchange with McKenna, he also said there is a "debate on the science" around climate change.

      Presumably, Wilson will be hitting up his contacts in the oil, gas, and mining industries in his role as the NPA board's fundraising head.

      Among the other videos by Wilson on YouTube is a commentary criticizing a major-league baseball player who took a knee during the U.S. national anthem.

      After citing this baseball player and a football player's legal problems in the off-season, Wilson extrapolated from that to question whether athletes who take a knee "are truly trying to protest injustice and racial discrimination by the police or [if they] are simply anti-police, at heart".

      Video: Christopher Wilson questions whether athletes who take a knee during the U.S. national anthem are truly trying to protest racial injustice by the police.

      During the last federal Conservative party race, Wilson created a video defending broadcaster and businessman Kevin O'Leary's candidacy.

      "If O'Leary becomes prime minister, he will do what Trump is doing, I believe: bring a businessman's attitude to governing," Wilson said.

      In the same video, Wilson mentioned in an aside that a case can be made for reforming Canada's "sick late-term abortion laws". (In fact, Canada has no abortion law as a result of a Supreme Court of Canada ruling in a case involving Dr. Henry Morgentaler.)

      Video: Christopher Wilson speaks glowingly about Kevin O'Leary and Donald Trump.

      Other Wilson videos are available here.
