Breaking news: Joe Biden now leads Donald Trump in Pennsylvania

It's game over for Trump if he loses this state

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      A few hours after the Democratic presidential candidate eked out a narrow lead in Georgia, he's moved into first place in Pennsylvania.

      Joe Biden has a 5,587-vote edge over Donald Trump following more votes being counted from the Philadelphia area.

      Pennsylvania has 20 Electoral College votes.

      Should Biden win this state, he will become president by surpassing the 270 votes needed to win the national election.

      CNN's John King pointed out that Donald Trump must win Pennsylvania and Georgia if he's to retain the presidency.

      According to the cable-news network, Trump has told allies that he has no plans to concede the election.

      Pennsylvania is one of five states that are still deemed too close to call.

      The others are Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and North Carolina, 

      Biden is leading Trump by 253-213 in the Electoral College.
