Donald Trump tries to claim victory before all votes counted; Biden expresses confidence about his chances

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      The razor-thin U.S. presidential election took a strange turn at 11:30 p.m. Pacific time.

      In a speech to supporters at the White House, Donald Trump falsely claimed that he had won the presidential election.

      This came before millions of votes had been counted.

      In addition, Trump said that he will be going to the U.S. Supreme Court to get "all voting to stop".

      In fact, all votes had already been cast when he made this statement. He didn't say that he wanted all counting of votes to stop.

      "We were getting ready for a big celebration," Trump said. "We were winning everything, and all of a sudden it was just called off."

      Trump's comments came as the U.S. networks had Biden slightly ahead of Trump with 220 Electoral College vottes, compared to Trump's 213.

      Earlier in the evening, Biden spoke to his supporters in Wilmington, Delaware, expressing confidence that he was going to win.

      "Its not my place or Donald Trump's place to declare who's won this election," Biden said. "That's the decision of the American people, but I'm optimistic about this outcome."

      As of this writing, Trump is leading Biden by about 100,000 votes in Georgia with 92 percent of the votes counted. Many of the uncounted votes are from strongly Democratic Party counties.

      Trump is also ahead in North Carolina by 77,000 votes with 95 percent of the votes counted.

      In Pennsylvania, Biden is trailing by nearly 680,000 votes with 74 percent of the votes in. But many of the uncounted votes are from Philadelphia, where the Democrats do exceedingly well.

      In Michigan, Trump is leading by more than 300,000 votes with 72 percent of ballots counted. And Trump's up by 118,000 votes in neighbouring Wisconsin with 82 percent counted.

      If Trump holds all of these states, he will be reelected.

      Biden is leading in Nevada and Arizona.
