East Vancouver lot with a “not habitable” home listed below assessment and sold for $1,225,000

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      Given today’s market, the sold price of an East Vancouver property with an unhabitable home may be considered by many as a bargain.

      The lot at 3439 Fleming Street sold for $1,225,000.

      Based on tracking by real-estate site Zealty.ca, the purchase price was 11.5 percent over its asking price of $1,099,000.

      The seller apparently wanted a quick deal.

      That’s because the listing price was below the property’s 2021 assessment of $1,204,500.

      The property came on the market on November 22, and a buyer took it eight days later on November 30.

      “House not habitable,” the listing stated.

      Zealty tracking showed that the transaction was reported on December 2.

      The three-storey residence at 3439 Fleming Street suffered extensive fire damage in October 2013.

      A CTV report at the time related that the home was occupied by an alleged hoarder.

      Also, the residence was visited several times before the incident by the City of Vancouver’s hoarding task force. 
