Sarah Blyth: Working as a representative of all voices is my priority

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      My path to being elected to the Vancouver park board wasn’t exactly traditional. As a single mother involved in youth advocacy through groups like the Environmental Youth Alliance and the Vancouver Skateboard Coalition, party politics was most definitely not on my radar.

      I was involved in my community because of some fundamental objectives I held true: my desire to improve the community for my son, my hope to bring voices that aren’t traditionally heard to the table, and my enthusiasm for getting young people involved in broader decision making.

      Founded in my activist background, I am interested in getting things done. I am proud of the fact that the efforts of our coalition were able to be a driving force behind the development of six new skate parks. This is just one example of how I and others were able to speak about issues that were important to young people and achieve some success in advancing their causes.

      When I was approached by Gregor Robertson in 2008 to run for the Vancouver park board, I was hesitant because I wasn’t sure that I would be any more effective in getting these types of issues onto the agenda.

      Well, it is now three years later, and in my campaign to once again serve as your park board commissioner, I am fully convinced of the power for change that can come from elected office.

      My vision for Vancouver is green, artistic, open, diverse, and, most importantly, community driven. The park board has the potential to embody these principles, and Vision Vancouver has done a fantastic job of harnessing the energy of our neighbourhoods in moving forward.

      The Greenest City Action Plan and, more specifically, the stewardship plan begun for Beaver Lake in Stanley Park, the commitment to sustainable practices in urban agriculture, and the locally designed renewal of neighbourhood parks like Collingwood, Grandview, and Oppenheimer are leaving lasting legacies for the next generation.

      I am proud of a motion that I forwarded and was passed which will allow vacant field houses across the city to host a new artist-in-residence program.

      I was excited to take part in the most extensive public consultation in the history of the park board to design the upcoming strategic plan. Public input into the future of the park board has never been more active and robust than in the first three years of Vision Vancouver’s time in office.

      At the end of the day, this is the path that I am devoted to continuing. Reaching out to those segments of Vancouver’s population who have never had a foothold in park board business, or have had little exposure to all that the park board has to offer, is so very important.

      There needs to be advocacy amongst park board commissioners so that these voices are always listened to. In my view, it is our obligation to go out and seek the opinions, issues, concerns, and questions of those who don’t always have the know-how or opportunity to make an impact.

      I have been on the outside, and experienced the frustration and overwhelming nature of dealing with the city in the past.

      What I and Vision Vancouver represent is a new approach premised on outside of the box ideas, the initiation of positive legacy projects that are changing the face of our city, and a willingness to move forward with as many perspectives involved as possible.

      It has been a privilege to serve as your representative over the past three years, and I humbly ask for your vote on November 19 to continue to serve and represent the best interests of Vancouver residents.

      Sarah Blyth is seeking reelection as a Vision Vancouver park board commissioner.




      Oct 18, 2011 at 6:16pm

      Sarah Blytrh while a very nice woman though has had a difficult time finding her voice at Park board. As a mother of a young son, how can she rationalize the deep and extreme cuts at Park Board which have had a direct impact on children and youth. These cuts included eliminating the children's farmyard and petting zoon, cutting by 50% summer camp programs for inner city kids and introducing user fees for six year olds when previously there were no user fees. Plus Ms Blyth was part of tearing up the Mt Pleasant outdoor pool which was very obscene considering she campaigned on saving this pool. Plus at Nelson Park in the highly densified West End and which has two children's playground there is not one washroom. This is insulting. Where are children supposed to go when they need to go? Oh yes I forget Park board in all its wisdom decided to put in a porta pottie at Davie and Bute for the children at Nelson park. Trouble is the porta pottie is two blocks away from the Park.

      Taxpayers R Us

      Oct 18, 2011 at 9:18pm

      Sorry Sarah, but anything supporting Vision Vancouver is a joke.

      Vcr Resident

      Oct 19, 2011 at 11:20pm

      I live in the same community as Sarah and I have to say honestly, she doesn't do any work here. Here face is never seen here, and like the rest of Vision, she seems to work to satisfy her own personal interests.


      Oct 23, 2011 at 9:01pm

      Seems Gregor has now twice gone after young, talented, unsuspecting, policitally innocent community leaders to join the the Vision slate. Excellent way for Gregor and his close friend Parks Chair what's his name, to tighten their control of the (developer's) party, all the looking open and inclusive. Can these new recruits be able to stand up to Gregor's demands to vote as he says?


      Oct 25, 2011 at 11:51am

      Vision's waffled on decisions time and time again. I don't want to hear promises that you can't keep. I appreciate that you have adversities but i have to tell you i've been very disappointed in the way that Vision has performed this term. it's a democracy and i'm looking to new voices and a competant board.....NOT a Vision majority!

      eligible_ to_ vote

      Nov 9, 2011 at 12:19pm

      Sarah, when are you going to participate in the All-Candidates meetings. You haven't made an appearance yet. I won't vote for anyone who doesn't respect the voters enough to even show up to these meetings to answer questions!