Open but closed

I met a man. He’s everything I want in a man, He makes me feel safe, beautiful and smart. He allows me to be myself and my authentic me. I can tell hes falling in love me, and wants to be with me, but he can’t be with me for a reason that is true and right. I’m not sure what to do. I just don’t think it’s fair why the universe is testing me. He’s everything I would want in a man, but why can’t he be mine? Will the right one come soon please. I don’t think my heart can take loving men who aren’t emotionally, or mentally or available to me. The hard part is he’s in an open relationship, but I can tell he’s pushing me away cause I feel like he wants to choose me. But I don’t want to be that person or that woman. I can’t do that to his partner. I just want the universe to send me the man that is meant for me and no more lessons


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Jun 27, 2024 at 9:22am

So many red flags from this " man". If I were you,I'd cut my losses and run. He doesn't sound like much of a catch.

8 1Rating: +7

Thanks for your vulnerability, OP.

Jun 27, 2024 at 1:32pm

And for the rest of y'all: if you feel the need to send hate, ask yourselves why you are so triggered by a women sharing her honest, tender feelings to the point where you want to shame/destroy her.

I think in these instances it's often a matter of truly and shamelessly choosing the self, which can be more difficult than it sounds. Also, learning to aim higher and dream bigger than what this person can provide you might be helpful.

I think there is massive value in exploring inner child healing, if this is something that calls to you.

6 3Rating: +3

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