Software lets you be Choosy about your browsing

If you're like me and use different browsers for different things, you're probably as annoyed as I am by the way that OS X is set up to launch a default browser. I use Safari for general Web surfing and Firefox just for blogging, and if I get an e-mail with a Web link it almost always opens in the wrong browser.

If I made a list of the problems in my life, that's probably not going to be really high up there, but it's a constant little annoyance. Thankfully now there's Choosy, a beta program that directly addresses my problem.

It's been wrongly termed a browser--it's not. What Choosy does is that, when you click on a Web link outside of your browser (say in an e-mail or RSS reader), instead of just opening that link in your default browser it offers you a choice. It's such a simple solution that it makes me wish that Apple would just build it into the next system update.
