Langley Fine Arts School students create self-portraits (with masks on) to express their responses to COVID-19

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      The Grade 11 visual arts majors at Langley Fine Arts School have created a video expressing their response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

      The Self-Portrait Project was completed in the fall semester of the current school year and features 24 self-portraits--with masks on--painted by the students. 

      The works are currently on display for staff and students in the Fort Langley school's Mary Pratt Gallery, but since public viewing isn't possible at this time, a video was created to be shared with the community. In the clip the students offers statements on how they feel about the pandemic and how it has affected their lives.

      The self-portrait project will also be used as the inspiration for a dance piece to be created by the Langley Fine Arts School dance majors in the spring semester.
