And that’s why…

we can’t have nice things. I want to get an electric bike but knowing that if I leave it for a minute to go into a store it’s going to be stolen no matter how expensive my locks are. I’d love to have a better car but at least my old one isn’t going to be a typical target. Thieves can brazenly steal in broad daylight with multiple witnesses taking videos of the whole thing. They can openly run bike chop shops selling stolen bikes. They can operate a stolen goods market right down the street from the police station. We live in another world from the one I grew up in here, and if I hear one more person tell me that I should be tolerant because the “poor thieves” are drug addicts, I’m going to scream. This is absolutely insane and the inmates are running the asylum. (And before you lose your mind telling me how privileged I am, let me set you straight: I’m a low income disabled senior who still has to work because I can’t afford to live if I don’t. )


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Hey OP

Jun 3, 2024 at 11:25am

I've posted on here many times: unless you have family that you highly value around...get out of here. In South East Asia you can live very well off $1000 a month. I saw the light and retired here at 40 instead of 70 in Vancouver.
With my Honda scooter I always leave my helmet on my handlebars when in stores and dining out and has never been stolen.
You Tube is your friend, Jomtien Thailand look it up.

7 2Rating: +5

Father Goose

Jun 3, 2024 at 1:59pm

Get ebike insurance and apply for subsidized housing.I did both and am coping nicely.

6 2Rating: +4

Michael Hunt

Jun 3, 2024 at 11:21pm

I actually consider myself ideologically as left-of-center but the first time I voted in a federal election, I voted for Chuck Cadman. He was a local man whose son was murdered by other teenage boys. I think they were under 18 so they were protected by the Young Offenders Act which he wanted to overturn.
I agreed.
I think way too many people on the left have a weak, idiotic "poor thieves" mentality that you describe. They see the perpetrators as sympathetic instead of the victims. It's demented. This is what a lot of people mean when they complain that "wokeness" is out of control. People on the left pride themselves on seeing other people's perspectives and taking adverse life experiences into account. But somewhere along the way it became fashionable to take that good quality to such an extreme that they see everyone as victims who are absolved of guilt and free from accountability.
In fact, a famous American feminist recently posted a TikTok video where she encourages parents to steal diapers and other baby products from stores. Yes, encouraging stealing.
Our system really is too lenient on criminals. I wish we could find a middle ground between the U.S. system of ruining lives over smoking a joint and the lenient system we have here.
And your point about multiple witnesses taking videos of a crime reminded me of the poor man who was stabbed to death at a cafe downtown while another patron silently sat and watched. It was enthusiastically recorded by some "influencer" for his followers. He was so excited about witnessing a murder, he didn't even bother to call 911.
Vancouver really is in a dark place right now.

10 3Rating: +7

Like Mind

Jun 4, 2024 at 12:55pm

Funny. I wrote a reply to the person who is running out of compassion and I said much the same thing. But my comment didn't pass screening. I'm glad yours got through. Vancouver is crawling with vermin. I mean actual rats. Have you ever walked across the Burrard Street Bridge? Yuck.

4 2Rating: +2

Ya cops could do significantly better on all fronts

Jun 4, 2024 at 4:31pm

I hear u, the simple things that cops won't do is ridiculous, like get a search warrant or a charge for a stolen phone that has been found on Find my phone, and they won't enter or charge the person, which could also lead to the person easily hacking ur accounts

2 2Rating: 0

Consider population growth

Jun 6, 2024 at 9:45am

Are crime, homelessness and addiction on the rise? Absolutely, but the population is also growing. It seems inevitable math that more people = more crime, poverty and visible homelessness and addiction. It all comes down to money I think... you need money to solve this problem. Free housing, free drugs, free social care/nurses to help the struggling folks, more money for police to investigate more crimes (hiring more officers and frontline workers), more healthcare and mental health workers. A reminder we need to tax the shit out of the rich and mega dominant corporations ASAP. How else are we going to fund the fight against a decaying society? Lower taxes on the majority working class making under $100,000 per year, create new "wealth" and "financial transaction" taxes etc.

5 3Rating: +2


Jun 6, 2024 at 11:46am

Take a look at California and the total mess it is- it does all that stuff you seek plus has decriminalized theft- and it's a post apocalyptic hell. All it does is incentivise laziness and make companies move to greener pastures.
Hundreds of thousands of jobs have left California the last 5 years since Newsom got into power and decided to "tax the shit out of the rich and mega dominant corporations ASAP"

3 3Rating: 0

@Consider population Growth

Jun 7, 2024 at 1:38pm

Taxing the crap out of companies is precisely why Canada has almost zero 21st century industry. It's all left to the US.

About 75% of our GDP is the service industry which are generally low to low paying. Then maybe 10% is mining, oil/gas, and agriculture.
Tech is only about 5% and that is only because of the favourable exchange rate with the Canadian dollar, and lack of health pension payments required to be paid.

Everyone in tech knows you need to leave Canada to get paid well.

1 0Rating: +1

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