Seemed normal at the time

Have you ever looked back at a situation you once lived in and realized how completely bizarre it really was? Like a job or a relationship or your family life? It’s been years of healing from the last one for me, but memories keep surfacing and when I look at them without the influence of that person colouring my perception I see so clearly how really messed up it was. I didn’t even know what was happening because it was so insidious that by the time I realized what was going on I was ensnared in it. Same with some old jobs I had where the stuff I had to deal with would never be tolerated in any workplace today, but back then it was just my usual day. Recognizing how all of these things have affected me is like putting puzzle pieces together so it all makes sense. Now it’s just learning how to leave it in the past and move forward in a healthier way.


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@Have you ever looked back at a situation you once lived in

Jun 3, 2024 at 12:18pm

Who knows exactly how reality is wired together? But somehow I feel in the future dimension we will all look back at this Planet Earth experience and as the OP says: @"learning how t leave it in the past and move forward in a healthier way." What that translates for me in this day and age is: Irregardless of all the monkey business going on, I am not going to get sucked into the false dualism of the superficial political know-it-all monkey leaders.

4 4Rating: 0

Soul Traps

Jun 3, 2024 at 9:06pm

Yeah, they come in all shapes and sizes don't they? Some big nose brown eyes flat lined me.

5 10Rating: -5

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