How I cope

I'm a depressed male that's become a lot more susceptible to tears for no apparent reason. Don't know why the crying spells keep coming. I cannot think of any particular reason what's causing me to feel this way or why. When women are depressed, they tend to eat chocolate. But when I'm depressed, McDonald's is my go to. It ain't healthy, but at least the food still tastes good to me.


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Okay but

Jul 4, 2024 at 5:52pm

I’m sorry you’re feeling depressed, but lumping all women together in how depression affects them isn’t right. It’s just a stereotype that all women eat chocolate when they’re upset. Depression affects everyone differently, and some people eat a lot and others stop eating. I’m a woman and I don’t eat chocolate when I’m upset : ). Unexplained crying spells are typical depression symptoms. It sounds like you should speak to your doctor soon.

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This was me…

Jul 4, 2024 at 5:58pm

When I was about 50 I had a depression related to work. I got extremely teary for no apparent reason. I couldn’t talk about it so wrote how I was feeling on a paper and handed it to my doctor. He read it and immediately put me on Prozac. After taking it for a couple of months I was back to normal. I always felt he saved my life. I hope you seek medical help and have similar results!

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Hey Man

Jul 4, 2024 at 6:40pm

We've all been there, we all have our ways to cope. Chocolate for the sexy girls and McDonalds for the boys. That and 420 for both boys and girls.

1 0Rating: +1


Jul 5, 2024 at 1:22am

Has something in your life caused you to become depressed or do you think it’s a brain chemistry fuck up?

1 0Rating: +1


Jul 5, 2024 at 9:03am

I'm not trying to be judgemental but there definitely is a connection between diet and depression. I suffer from bouts of depression and what really helped me was getting rid of ultra processed food and eating alot healthier. I'm not saying don't have an occasional treat but I noticed a huge difference in the way I felt. So many people complain about feeling like crap but never change the way they eat. Exercise also helps. I know many people benefit from medication but simple changes really helped.I still have bouts of depression but not nearly as severe as they used to be. Feeling depressed and then eating McDonald's will ultimately make you feel worse.Again,I'm not against a " treat" but I just read that 70 percent of American's diet is now comprised of ultra processed food. I'm just telling you what worked for me but it's up to you to make changes that will help. And if you feel like crying,let it out; nothing wrong with that.

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