My bucket is full

I often find that people who are depressed come to me with all their problems and I tend to give advice as best I could. Yet I can't even take my own advice on how to feel better myself. I'm sorry but I don't think I can help you anymore. Nothing personal, or anything. I just need to prioritize myself. I'm not a psychologist so I'm really not qualified to go deep into anyone's feelings. I suggest you book an appointment with a professional like a counsellor or psychologist. They can assist you better than me. You're on your own with this one. I'm not being selfish. I'm only being realistic. Please book a consolation with a professional. I wish you only the best. Good luck.


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It’s your curse

Jul 4, 2024 at 5:48pm

…so to speak. If you tend to be an empathetic person and you’re open to listening, you find yourself being on the receiving end of people’s emotions or stories and struggles. When it gets to be too much though, you need to set boundaries. I know exactly how hard that can be, but it’s necessary to protect your own mental health. It’s ok. Try saying something to the person who’s unburdening themselves like “I’m feeling a little overwhelmed and maybe we can talk about this another time”, or something like that. Or whatever feels right to you. It takes a lot of practice, but it’s necessary. Pouring from an empty cup as the saying goes, isn’t doing anyone any good.

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