B.C. Liberal candidate who voted against Langley rainbow crosswalk sparks concerns

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      Although rainbow crosswalks are in almost every community in B.C., they still remain a source of controversy for some.

      That became apparent when a B.C. Liberal candidate in Langley came under fire for opposing a rainbow crosswalk for the township.

      On September 21, Langley Township Coun. Margaret Kunst, who is a candidate for Langley East, was one of three councillors who voted against the colourful crosswalk but did not provide a reason why she was against it.

      However, the majority of Langley council voted for the project to proceed for it to be painted between the local RCMP detachment and the school board office. The crosswalk will be painted without any cost to the township.

      West End–Coal Harbour NDP candidate Spencer Chandra Herbert raised concerns about Kunst and, according to CBC News, is requesting B.C. Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson to remove her as a candidate in her riding.

      Meanhile, Fort Langley has had a rainbow crosswalk since September 2017. 

      The B.C. Liberal party faced criticism for running advertisements in the Christian lifestyle publication The Light Magazine, which has included anti-LGBT articles including content against SOGI resources in schools and in support of conversion therapy.

      After Chilliwack-Kent MLA Laurie Throness stated he would continue to advertise in the magazine, the Vancouver Pride Society barred the B.C. Liberals from participating in the 2020 virtual parade for not removing Throness from the B.C. Liberal caucus or his role as opposition critic for the Ministry of Children and Families.

      The B.C. Liberals had confirmed that no one from the party would advertise in the magazine, and party leader Andrew Wilkinson had issued a statement that there's no place for homophobia, transphobia, or discrimination in his party. 

      You can follow Craig Takeuchi on Twitter at @cinecraig or on Facebook. You can also follow the Straight's LGBT coverage on Twitter at @StraightLGBT or on Facebook.
