LELO includes outercourse in its list of five sex trends for 2022

The Swedish intimate lifestyle company's picks coincide, a couple of times, with its products

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      Sex in a pandemic? Are you kidding me?

      That's what might be going through the minds of some single people. But the reality is that humans, being human, will continue seeking physical pleasure in 2022.

      So what's in store for the New Year? LELO, the Swedish intimate lifestyle company, has picked five sex trends for 2022. Not surprisingly, a couple of them coincide with its products.


      This is indeed the safest option in a pandemic—no penetration of any kind, LELO says, "just dry humping or a massage [and] mutual masturbation". Saying you're into outercourse, rather than intercourse, establishes boundaries that ensure no STIs, pregenancy, or the dreaded COVID-19 virus. 


      "Female desire and orgasm are little understood phenomena, but it does seem apparent that women can be quite flexible when it comes to what feels good to them," LELO states on its website. "As our understanding of sexuality evolves, an important part of a personal relationship with one’s own sensuality and pleasure is to explore various aspects of your sex life."

      In other words, if you're “mostly straight”, you should still embrace romantic or sexual attraction to someone of the same gender if you're feeling the urge to do so—according to the company.

      Anal toys

      "Surely, anal toys are nothing new, but we rarely hear about all of the people who wear butt plugs outside their bedroom, men and women who enjoy rimming, or straight men who love being pegged," LELO says "Sounds interesting? Well, then break the taboo and start enjoying the bum fully! Anal toys could be the extra addition to your everyday sex life that you never knew you needed!"

      With that in mind, it adds: "Just always remember that lube is non-optional, pacing yourself adds to the comfort and the erotic intensity and that any toy used for anal must have a flared base and be cleaned or covered with a condom before going into any other orifices."


      See above. 

      Actually, pegging is penetration by another person wearing a strap-on, "typically a combination of a harness and a dildo".

      "It can also be done with a harness-free dildo, or it can be done with a handheld vibrator, like a prostate massager," LELO adds. "Pegging, the act of a man receiving anal sex from a woman usually wearing a strap-on dildo has been gaining currency in sexual circles for years. But now, it seems like the secret’s out, with increasing numbers of mainstream news sites reporting on it." 

      Back to basics

      "We know and love the Sensonic technology or suction toys," LELO states. "It is heaven! But what about making direct contact with the clitoris? Even though it has been the subject of much scrutiny and confusion ever since we got reacquainted with it, what we undoubtedly know is that the clitoris typically loves to be stimulated with a variety of rhythms. Instead of just rubbing up on the clit, consider using rotating motions that imitate the light finger touch, provide precise stimulation and light pressure on the clitoral hood.

      "After all the natural circular motion of a fingertip is hard to beat, and why would you even try it. Especially, if you can experience a better take on it. After all the fancy moves (the kneading, pinching, swirling, stroking, tapping on and around it), it is time to go back to oldies goldies."
