Talk-show host Charlie Kirk accuses Democrats of promoting sexual anarchy—and gets roasted online

One of the young cultural warriors on the far right is a little bit more famous as a result

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      If you want to know why the U.S. could be sliding toward fascism, look no further than the rantings of a talk-show host named Charlie Kirk.

      One of the young cultural warriors on the U.S. right, Kirk has a history of mixing facts with falsehoods to whip up his audience against the Democrats.

      In the  past, the founder of Turning Point USA has claimed that French yellow-vest protesters chanted "We want Trump". This bit of fiction was later repeated by Trump himself.

      Naturally, Kirk is among those Republican suppporters who deny that human activity is contributing to climate change, notwithstanding all the scientific evidence to the contrary.

      And he's one of those who've peddled the discredited notion that hydroxychloroquine can kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

      But this week, he may have outdone himself with an accusation that the Democrats are promoting "sexual anarchy".

      It came in a rant about how Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and his fellow Democrats "want to destroy the country" and "make private property a thing of the past". 

      Check it out below.

      Kirk's use of the term "sexual anarchy" has elicited a fair amount of ridicule online. Here are just some of the responses on Twitter.
