Once a simple attention whore, a Pete Davidson-obsessed Kanye West has started to seem scarily dangerous

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      At what point does one go from being a wholly unrepentant attention whore to a misogynistic, petty, deluded psychopath? Asking this, by the way, not for a friend, but for the man who, depending on the day, answers to Kanye West, Yeezy, Ye, or, lately, the Former Mrs. Kim Kardashian-West.

      It’s the latter name that the 44-year-old rapper and mentally unwell human being seems fixated on right now. Along, that is, with a certain Pete Davidson, who is right now dating the woman who's divorcing the man whose bullshit she spent the last decade putting up with. Including the afternoon the whole world was laughing at him in real time during a White House visit to Donald Trump.

      West seems weirdly unable to process that Kardashian isn’t—and never was—his own personal property. And that, as a 41-year-old woman with a brain that’s possibly the size of her famous ass, she’s allowed to decide who she’s going to shag the living shit out of now that she no longer has to listen to West rail on about the genius of leather jogging shorts while he’s eating his Fruit Loops for breakfast.

      America’s most famous sneaker salesman, meanwhile, can't seem to get over the fact that Davidson is the one now laying in bed next to the woman he once thought he owned. And, even worse, West continues to be an unrepentant bitch about it.

      The latest example is a spirited defence of his new video, “Eazy”, in which he buries a Davidson doppleganger (as reimagined by Robot Chicken) up to his neck, and then plants a bunch or roses around him. Some of those roses then end up sprouting from the Saturday Night Live cast member's head, and because flowers don’t tend to grow out of the noggins of the living....

      Quite rightly, the world has suggested that West is entirely out of line with “Eazy”. A normal person doesn't want to kill anyone who dates their ex-.

      The key word there is "normal". Predictably, West has responded with an Instagram post that makes it clear that he doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks. Which is why he made not only Donda, but then chose to follow it up with Donda 2.

      Working that return button like an Instagram OG, West posted:

      Art is therapy just like this view
      art is protected as freedom of speech
      art inspires and simplifies the world
      Art is not a proxy for any ill or harm
      Any suggestion otherwise about my art is false and mal intended

      He didn’t specifically reference “Eazy”. But given his track record with the Davidson-Kardashian relationship, he didn’t have to.

      Recall the song “Security” where he raps “Never stand between a man and his kids/Y’all ain’t got enough security for this.” Or “City of Gods” and the lines “‘Cause I’m losing my lover to the arms of another” and “This afternoon, a hundred goons pullin’ up to SNL (what?)/When I pull up, it’s dead on arrival.”

      It hasn’t stopped there.

      Earlier this year West got busy with Photoshop to create his own Instagram version of the post for Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War. Instead of Steve Rodgers and Tony Stark, West and Davidson were at the top of the poster with their "armies" below them. For those keeping score, Drake was 1st lieutenant on the Ye side, with Kardashian front and centre on Team Pete.

      West’s bad case of limerence also made headlines last month when he reportedly offered to double the salary of Saturday Night Live’s Michael Che if he committed to having nothing to do with Davidson on the show.

      Past West posts have also seen him post photos of Davidson with things like “look at this dickhead”.

      Seriously, man, it’s fucking over. So stop burying Pete Davidson, stop interfering in the personal life of Kim Kardashian, and stop making the world think you're even more bat-shit crazy than you already seem. Not to mention obsessive.

      Kardashian isn’t "your" ex-wife—you never owned her.

      She’s a grown woman that grew tired of you and your endless bullshit and now wants nothing to do with you. And who can blame her. Except, evidently, Kanye West, who's one step away from getting his official bunny boiler badge.

      There’s nothing wrong with being an attention whore. Or pop music's biggest clown. Somewhere along the line, West has become something more and it’s scary. Even if your name isn’t Pete Davidson.
