B.C. Premier John Horgan calls Kelowna West by-election for Christy Clark's former seat

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      Today (January 17), B.C. Premier John Horgan called for a Kelowna West by-election to be held on Valentine's Day (February 14).

      Christy Clark previously held the seat until she resigned as MLA on August 4. Her resignation followed her failure to gain the confidence of the legislature for her minority B.C. Liberal government.

      The candidates for Kelowna West include Ben Stewart for the B.C. Liberals, Shelley Cook for the NDP, and Robert Stupka for the Green Party.

      Stewart had previously been an MLA for the riding (formerly known as Westside-Kelowna until 2015) before he stepped aside in 2013 to allow Clark to run, following the loss of her seat to the NDP's David Eby in Vancouver-Point Grey.

      The NDP and Liberals are currently tied with 41 seats in the B.C. legislature. Kelowna West has been a Liberal stronghold since it was created in 2008.

      You can follow Craig Takeuchi on Twitter at @cinecraig or on Facebook
