As procurement begins on Broadway subway, TransLink Mayors' Council votes for SkyTrain over LRT to UBC

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      As expected, the TransLink Mayors' Council has given the green light to SkyTrain technology on any future extension of the Millennium Line to UBC's Point Grey campus.

      The cost is expected to be between $3.3 billion to $3.8 billion in 2018 dollars to build a connection between Arbutus Street and West Broadway all the way to UBC.

      A complete business plan isn't expected to be ready until next year.

      The project itself hasn't been approved—just the technology if it were to go ahead.

      In the meantime, the B.C. government has announced that the procurement process has begun for the $2.83-billion Broadway subway. It will be an extension of the Millennium Line from VCC-Clark Station to Arbutus Street and West Broadway.

      “Extending SkyTrain to Arbutus is a key component of delivering on the mayors’ vision, keeping our region connected and ensuring frequent, reliable transit service for our customers well into the future,” TransLink CEO Kevin Desmond said in the B.C. government news release.

      This line will have six stations and run for 5.7 kilometres.

      The initial stage involves asking bidders to sbumit qualifications to design, build, and finance the project.

      “I’m excited that following years of planning, regional prioritizing and funding discussions, we have the green light to start construction on the Arbutus portion of the Broadway subway," Vancouver mayor Kennedy Stewart stated. "The Broadway subway is not only Vancouver’s number one transportation priority but an infrastructure investment that helps improve the entire region’s transportation future.”

