B.C. government proclaims June 23 as Air India Flight 182 Remembrance Day

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      The worst mass murder in Canadian history has been formally acknowledged by the province.

      In response to requests from Radical Desi, a Surrey-based publication, the B.C. government has proclaimed June 23 as Air India Flight 182 Remembrance Day.

      It was on this day in 1985 that a bomb exploded onboard an Air India flight over the Irish Sea, killing all 329 passengers and crew.

      The bomb was created in British Columbia and was put on a Canadian Airlines flight in Vancouver that connected to the doomed Air India flight.

      When the bomb detonated, the aircraft was on its way to Heathrow Airport in London, England.

      Only one person has ever been convicted, bomb-maker Inderjit Singh Reyat.

      A  B.C. Supreme Court judge identified a former Burnaby resident, Talwinder Singh Parmar, as the mastermind. He was killed in a staged encounter with Indian police in 1992 without ever being charged in Canada.

      The bombing came after a series of incidents in India, including the army's attack on Sikhism's holiest shrine, the Golden Temple in Amritsar.

      This occurred after fundamentalist Sikhs brought weapons inside the complex and had murdered Hindus, Nirankiris, and moderate Sikhs in northern India.

      Sikhs around the world were appalled by the attack on the Golden Temple, which devastated the highest seat of earthly authority of Sikhism, Akal Takht, and killed pilgrims inside the area.

      Four months later, two of Gandhi's bodyguards murdered her at her official residence just before she was scheduled to be interviewed by Peter Ustinov.

      That was followed by wholesale attacks on Sikhs across India, which were orchestrated by members of Gandhi's Congress Party.

      The vast majority of the passengers on Air India Flight 182 were Canadians of Indian origin, including 86 children who were travelling to India to visit relatives at the end of the school year.
