#WelcometoCanada goes viral as Justin Trudeau redefines the country in the eyes of the world

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      U.S. Republican presidential aspirant Donald Trump wants to stop all Muslims from entering his country.

      And in Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and members of his cabinet have personally greeted 161 Syrian refugees arriving on a military plane after a long trip from the Middle East with a stopover in Europe.

      Could anything better represent the stark contrast between the current politics in both countries?

      Trudeau's gracious gesture is being hailed on CNN, the BBC, and other networks around the world.

      It's been reported in the Times of India, the Jerusalem Post, and the GQ magazine website, which titled its article "Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Just Gave U.S. Politicians a Refreshing Lesson in Compassion".

      #WelcometoCanada is trending first on my Twitter page.

      Here are some of the messages being sent:




