Six arrested in Trans-Canada Highway blockades on Ironworkers bridge and near Horseshoe Bay terminal

The activists are with a group called Save Old Growth, which relies on peaceful civil disobedience

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      A small group of activists demonstrated that they can create a great deal of inconvenience for motorists.

      This morning, six with a group called Save Old Growth were arrested after causing major traffic tie-ups.

      Three of them sat down in the middle of the eastbound lanes on the Ironworkers Memorial Second Narrows Crossing, preventing drivers from reaching the other side.

      Another three were on the highway leading to the Horseshoe Bay ferry teriminal.

      Megan Bell, an activist who glued herself to the road, said in a Save Old Growth news release that she didn't want to do this but felt that she had to act because of the climate crisis.

      Video: A drone captured images of the long line of vehicles stuck on the bridge this morning.

      The B.C. government grants licences to companies to log old-growth forests, which the activists feel is contributing to the warming of the planet.

      Last year, B.C.'s old-growth technical advisory panel recommended immediate deferrals from logging of 2.6 million hectares of old-growth forest, citing possible irreversible loss of biodiversity.

      This month, the environmental group issued a news release stating that logging was continuing in those areas.

      Save Old Growth has been employing peaceful civil disobedience this month to try to push the government to halt old-growth logging in B.C.

      The first phase of its actions concluded today. In total, 46 people have been arrested in various blockades of the Trans-Canada Highway and its off-ramps.
