Really now

Something that really turns me off about the dating apps is when girls say “bonus points if you’re 7 foot one “or “bonus points if you have a dog”. “Bonus points” if you can beat me at Mario Kart? Or “Bonus points” if you have a long beard? Since when did online dating become a quiz show? It makes you sound so superficial because you’re basically making the other person feel like they have to jump through tons of circus hoops to win over your affection. None of that. Just learn to be your natural self if you want to win over a quality person. Being something you’re not is a waste of who you are. Don’t be an idiot. Cut the crap.


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Beat them at their own game

Jul 2, 2024 at 1:09pm

You should write in your profile that you’ll offer bonus points to girls who don’t act like a bunch of juvenile idiots. Problem solved.

1 1Rating: 0

You are fantastic.

Jul 2, 2024 at 9:44pm

This may be the single best post on Confessions that I have EVER seen.

2 0Rating: +2

Somewhat agree?

Jul 3, 2024 at 12:06am

I can understand that first one about being a certain height. Everyone is entitled to have their preferences about what they find attractive but that does seem overly shallow and obnoxious. It's like a guy saying, "bonus points if you look like supermodel."
But your other examples... don't sound that bad to be honest?
Bonus points if you have a dog just sounds like she's a dog lover. Nothing wrong with that. And the Mario Kart thing just sounds like she's into video games. As a guy, finding a woman who likes video games as much as I do sounds like a dream come true!
Having a list of demands would indeed feel like they want me to jump through hoops as you say. But the "bonus points" thing could just be a cheeky way of talking about your interests. For what its worth, my own bonus points is if you love those fresh, warm cinnamon doughnuts served at the PNE or love John Carpenter movies.

1 0Rating: +1

Lights camera, action!

Jul 3, 2024 at 2:16am

Don't be superficial, in Vancouver? Appearances have always been everything in Vancouver, the people have always been vacuous, and it's only got worse because of social media. It's like living on a film set, where nothing is real.

1 1Rating: 0

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