Out with the old

When I took early childhood education courses back in college, we had one instructor in particular with a very old-school approach. She basically taught poetry and nursery rhymes, which clearly felt redundant. As someone that worked with kids for many years, I can assure you that none of the children in my care were even remotely interested in nursery rhymes, or poetry of any kind. All the kids wanted to do was run around and play paw patrol. Not sure who hired that instructor but she looked like one of those tree hugging hippies from the so-called “summer of love” era. Hey lady! Do preschool children even pay attention to lame poetry or nursery rhymes these days? The sixties are over and you lost, so get with the program.


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Jul 2, 2024 at 9:19am

Wow!!!! Pretty harsh coming from an educator. Perhaps it's not so much that children are only interested in " paw patrol" but rather your teaching approach to the topic of nursery rhymes and poetry. Of course the age of children has to be taken into consideration but creativity towards any topic is key.

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Jul 2, 2024 at 12:01pm

The average three year olds have short attention spans and can’t be expected to sit still at circle time for more than at least 5-10 minutes. Of course they’re not going to pay attention to poems so best to let them get all their energy out. I guess some people can build a time machine and park it permanently in the past when everything was absolutely perfect.

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Do you understand what ageism is?

Jul 2, 2024 at 12:24pm

Just in case you don't: Ageism is a type of discrimination that involves prejudice against people based on their age. Similar to racism and sexism, ageism involves holding negative stereotypes about people of different ages.

I bet you're not comfortable making or even hearing sexist or racist comments. Making ageist comments is just as offensive.

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Jul 2, 2024 at 12:47pm

The instructor you describe sounds delightful and imaginative. You sound quite the opposite.

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@Out with the Anger

Jul 2, 2024 at 12:53pm

All My Relations, and in with the Love energy. There was much good and positivity with the 'tree hugging hippie' era and this perilous Wurly World need 'Make This World Green Again' before the environment destruction precipitate total climate collapse. OCM - Sto:lo Coast Salish positive affirmations

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Jul 2, 2024 at 1:05pm

That decade did nothing but create socialism and drug problems more than it solved. Yep, the 60s are long gone and not coming back. Thank God for the 21st Century.

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How strange

Jul 2, 2024 at 7:22pm

The fact that you’re ranting about this woman now makes it seem likely that your anger about her might be masking something else that you’re not dealing with.

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Hey OP

Jul 3, 2024 at 8:39pm

Check out a book called "The Dream & the Nightmare: The Sixties Legacy to the underclass by Myron Magnet. It's about how the sixties created a generation of drug users to this day.

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Jul 4, 2024 at 11:10am

Leave the basement more often

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