
My dad worked as the head cook in a restaurant for 25 years. He and a few other employees got laid off during Covid. After the pandemic died down, the owners contacted him and offered him his job back. He turned it down. He’d much rather retired and he’s been enjoying retired midlife ever since. I ate dinner there about only two or three times in my life after he retired. That place sure has changed. Of course, my dad never owned the restaurant. But he truly cared. He was committed and did his best to hold down the fort in the kitchen. The food has changed, but not for the better. Last time I saw the owners, they told me they see their business lingering on another ten more years. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.


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Jul 2, 2024 at 12:36pm

Retirement is a good life. Glad your dad is enjoying it. It sounds like he’s worked incredibly hard and paid his dues to feed his family. As for those owners? Let them deal with their own problems. If they’re expected to close down within a decade or less, that’s their issue. Forget about them, take care of your dad and enjoy life.

0 0Rating: 0

is this a confession?

Jul 2, 2024 at 12:58pm

fuck no.

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