Strip clubs give religious experiences

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      I write this on a Sunday—the Lord’s day. Our day of rest. Sacred in many different belief systems. A day when going to church is most likely. Some people use it to fast, or to cook a nice meal with the family to give thanks. You might feel like it’s the day you are more likely to bask in gratitude for what life has given you, or to make an effort to give back and appease the almighty god(s) that be.

      What our society has forgotten with modern-day religion is the power of the goddess—the counterpart to that god energy that most of the world prays to. Some will say their god is genderless, but there are heavy masculine tones in “his” praise. In fact, it is arguable that Christianity in particular ushered in the patriarchy.

      But what if you want to show your gratitude to the divine feminine, or worship at the altar of the goddess? There are many ways, but one stands above all others as my personal favourite.

      For this Sunday worship, let me welcome you to the urban modern temple of the goddess: the strip club.

      I, as a dancer, am in a state of exaggerated feminine sexual power as I walk the floors of the club. My body on display and my sexuality is front and centre. Almost all dancers have a persona that is activated as soon as we get into work mode. The rituals we perform in glamming up our hair and doing our makeup help us transform into this very powerful version of ourselves with a very specific goal: to seduce.

      What are people looking for at a women’s strip club if not the validating attention of the sacred feminine? Here, you get to watch avatars of all different representations on the spectrum of the divine feminine dance at the altar (the stage) while you lay cash at their feet.

      Have something you need to get off your chest? You can rest your head on the heaving, bare bosom of a goddess in our version of confessional booths (private dance rooms) while you lose all your woes of the day, leaving the club a little lighter.

      Some of the oldest records of temples were those in which sacred whores were worshipped as direct pipelines to spiritual goddesses. A strip club in today’s society serves the same purpose—but under thousands of years of patriarchy and symptomatic ingrained misogyny, it is now viewed as a dirty way to make a living. It’s so sad that at one time women in our position were revered as some of the most sacred and sought-after positions in all of society.

      The great thing about a strip club on a Sunday is that, unlike at many churches, there is no hate being taught; there is no judgement, and all are welcome. So, the next time you’re feeling a little spiritually disconnected, indulge in a different kind of Sunday worship. Visit your modern temple of the goddess: your local strip club. Indulge in all that yummy feminine energy and leave your offerings in return—that’s something I can approve tithing a little bit of your money to.
