Christy Clark praises the NDP after John Horgan moves ahead with Site C and B.C. LNG

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      Former premier Christy Clark has mostly stayed clear of B.C. politics since leaving office last summer. But the retired Liberal party leader has voiced her opinion on a couple of recent NDP initiatives.

      On Clark’s Facebook page, she’s twice praised John Horgan’s new government.

      “It may not be built on time, or on budget, but Site C will be built. Great news for workers, businesses, for the First Nations who have signed on, and - most of all -great news for another generation of British Columbians who will reap the benefits of Canada's biggest clean energy project,” Clark wrote on December 11. “A legacy from our generation to the next.”

      That was in response to Horgan’s decision to continue construction of the former administration’s $10.7-billion dam on the Peace River.

      More recently, Clark shared her thoughts on a trade mission that Horgan made to Asia.

      On that trip, the new premier delivered a sales pitch for B.C. LNG. That drew sharp criticism from Green party leader Andrew Weaver. But Clark praised Horgan for his efforts to drum up Asian nations’ interest in B.C. natural gas.

      “It's great news to hear that the NDP has reversed course on LNG,” Clark wrote on January 19. “Yes, in order to rebuild trust in their government, they will likely have to pay an added "insurance policy" in the form of reduced taxes for LNG companies. Nonetheless, they seem to have recognized the long term benefits of a new industry for workers and taxpayers in this province. LNG will be a lasting legacy to be proud of.”

      Clark and Horgan traded plenty of shots at one another over the years, especially in the run up to the May 2016 election. But perhaps time really does heal all wounds.

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