Strong solar storm could disrupt communications and cause power failures but also showcase the northern lights

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      This is one potentially disturbing story that you can't blame on the pandemic.

      According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a geomagnetic storm watch is in place until December 11.

      That's due to a sun storm that could send coronal mass ejections, containing charged particles, into space.

      These CMEs can disrupt satellites and cover high-flying aircraft with radiation.

      NOAA has issued a "G3 (Strong) Watch" for today and a "G2 (Moderate) Watch" for December 11.

      These solar storms are not dangerous to human beings on the surface of the Earth.

      But they are capable of disrupting telecommunications, navigation systems, and power grids, according to

      B.C. Hydro has mobilized crews in case these particles knock out the power in parts of our province.

      On the upside, these sun storms can also result in the appearance of the northern lights, sometimes known as aurora borealis, in areas not shrouded in clouds.
