Why a new Angus Reid poll spells good and bad news for Jagmeet Singh and worse news for Erin O'Toole

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      NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh can take some comfort in some numbers released this morning by the Angus Reid Institute.

      Its latest poll shows that Singh remains the most second-most popular federal leader with a 52 percent favourability rating. That compares to a bleak 24 percent for Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole and 54 percent for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

      Moreover, among NDP supporters, Singh is viewed either favourably or very favourably by 91 percent of respondents in the poll. That compares to just 59 percent of the Conservatives supporters who view O'Toole either favourably or very favourably and 81 percent of Liberal supporters who view Trudeau favourably or very favourably.

      But there's a catch for Singh. His party remains mired at 20 percent among leaning and decided voters. The Liberals, in contrast, are at 35 percent and the Conservatives are at 29 percent.

      Even worse, one in five poll respondents who voted for the NDP in the last elected are likely to switch for a different party in the next election.

      That's far worse than the ratio among former Conservative and Liberal voters.

      O'Toole's weak favourability rating could encourage more dissent within his own party. But perhaps the worst news for the Conservatives is the sizeable support for the People's Party of Canada among young males.

      The Angus Reid poll shows that 10 percent of male poll respondents between 18 and 34 would vote for or are leaning toward the PPC. Among males from 35 to 54, seven percent of respondents would vote for or are leaning toward the PPC.

      Angus Reid Institute

      The poll was conducted online from November 26 to 29 with a randomized sample of 2,005 Canadian adults. It's deemed to have a margin of error of plus or minus two percent, 19 times out of 20.


