
What do you do when you spend years clearing your name to false allegations against a person in trust. When you spend upwards of $10k on legal bills to navigate the system. When you spend close to 2 years of anxiety and stress slowly navigating the various legal avenues. Then the day(s) come when every legal victory is yours. In todays culture of being a victim in order to validate harming others the way they've harmed you, it would've been easy for me to go that route. To be filled with anger. Hate. To be a perpetual victim. As I stand atop this mountain, I am filled with empathy. There are no gold stars or money or retribution for overcoming false claims, there is only you facing your mirror knowing you overcame someone else shitty behaviour. And that's enough for myself.


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Good post @Empathy

Jun 14, 2024 at 12:46pm

because going hateful on the Kangaroo Court perp-traitors only plays into their Bangaroo Tort mentality. MLK said: "Hate is too great a burden to bear, I've decided to stick with love."

3 1Rating: +2

Embrace the hate and anger.

Jun 14, 2024 at 7:52pm

Your post contains tells that they still live inside of you. These are justified emotions, of equal status to empathy... if not higher, because at least they are honest and raw.

Don't fool yourself into thinking you've reached the summit before you've compassionately processed your inner darkness. Otherwise, it will come out in sneaky ways.

You don't need to get revenge or closure, you just have to look at your own core wounds and the patterns they perpetuate. This may require a long, uncomfortable pause in favour of deep reflection. Solstice is a great time to initiate such a project.

2 2Rating: 0

Well that’s nice

Jun 14, 2024 at 11:18pm

I mean good for you and all, but this post feels a bit smug to me. Instead of oozing empathy, it’s giving off superiority vibes. There’s nothing wrong with a person who has been victimized by a diabolical person calling out that person for what they did. It’s nice for you that your legal battle only cost $10,000, but in many cases it would cost significantly more if the person or organization that wronged you had unlimited resources to drag out a legal battle. Many people have no choice but to settle out of court and never get the opportunity to clear their name or get the justice they deserve. Being forced to sign a non disclosure agreement is typical. Maybe your empathy should be more for those actual victims who weren’t as fortunate as you, and a little less judgement towards them would also be nice.

4 2Rating: +2

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