

Stop Complaining

I graduated from highschool in 1985 and started working for the Government immediately. I didn't make a lot of money but saved enough to buy a very old house in East Vancouver for $90,000 which was a lot of money in those days. With my wife we raised 4 children and paid for their university educations. You never heard anyone in my generation complaining about the high price of housing. We just worked and worked and worked some more. Young people need to stop complaining about the housing situation and just put their heads down and work.

Cheap Men

I went to coffee with this guy on a first date and it came to something like $8 for us and I saw him not tip. I exchanged looks with the Barista as if to apologize. It was so embarrassing. I can't date cheap men. I mean if you can't afford to tip you shouldn't go out.

A Simple Life

I hit retirement age a couple of years ago. Found out I have a terminal illness and decided to change how I live. I moved somewhere very warm all year with beautiful beaches. Got rid of my car. Started walking a lot. Eat less. No Alcohol. Less TV and internet. No social media. Etc. I feel amazing! I wish I had done this sooner lol.

One small solution

Reverse minimum wage back down to something reasonable like $12. I'm a minimum wage worker and the only time I felt like it made a difference was when it went up to the $10 and then $12 mark. I do jobs I like, often similar to volunteer jobs at non profits, or jobs small company owners would get their kids to do. On top of everything, there is clear defined evidence that continually raising it has the opposite effect. Worse is that most days there are news articles on some wage going up, or some union going on strike for higher wages, there are articles right beside them of companies downsizing and laying off people. I worked at small companies all my life, except the last 3 years.

Ugliness appears when you get drunk.

Comments like I'm tired of men wanting to be women, wearing makeup and appearing edgy. It's sad that there's judgment and homophobia underneath your surface.

And that’s why…

we can’t have nice things. I want to get an electric bike but knowing that if I leave it for a minute to go into a store it’s going to be stolen no matter how expensive my locks are. I’d love to have a better car but at least my old one isn’t going to be a typical target. Thieves can brazenly steal in broad daylight with multiple witnesses taking videos of the whole thing. They can openly run bike chop shops selling stolen bikes. They can operate a stolen goods market right down the street from the police station. We live in another world from the one I grew up in here, and if I hear one more person tell me that I should be tolerant because the “poor thieves” are drug addicts, I’m going to scream. This is absolutely insane and the inmates are running the asylum. (And before you lose your mind telling me how privileged I am, let me set you straight: I’m a low income disabled senior who still has to work because I can’t afford to live if I don’t. )

There’s a war on

…women. Anyone who doesn’t see this is either part of it or is willfully blind to the it. My news feed this morning had no fewer than 4 articles about women right here in BC who had been murdered by their domestic partners, or sexually assaulted by a stranger. What’s happening in the states is unbelievable and it’s clear to anyone with a brain what the end goal here. I’ve done my time for 6 decades of fighting for equal rights for women, and I’m tired! It’s time for decent men to start calling out the bad ones and teaching the young men that traditional patriarchal values don’t serve anyone in the long run.

Trashing our beautiful city

I admit that I absolutely hate how certain groups are trashing our beautiful city with all their sticky posters . Why do you insist on making this beautiful city look like a third world country ?

Harder Nowadays

My father and mother worked retail jobs and were able to afford a house in East Vancouver purchased in 1983 for $83,000. Their interest rate was around 12.5%. I make $120,000/year and my wife makes $70,000/year and we can afford a three bedroom townhouse in Coquitlam with our two kids. We are by no means living extravagantly. We have two vehicles and live well below our means. Its just different nowadays. The cost of housing, daycare, and food are just through the roof. I am tired of the older generations continuing this rhetoric of our generation being lazy and spending our money on fancy coffees and avocados.

Google is broken

I’ve been using the internet since it started. Up until the past few years I could generally find a reliable answer to my question quite easily. Now there’s so much absolute garbage on there that finding genuine information is so difficult and time consuming that I’d prefer having the old encyclopedias we used to have. Modern search engines need some type of purge to weed out the billions of bits of conversations and opinions so that we can find actual researched sources. Sure, I know that as new information is learned that what we once thought was true is later found to be false, but what we have now is just crap.


MEC biker babe

We were in line next to each other at MEC. You: shorter than me, blonde hair, green tee shirt,...