

Google is broken

I’ve been using the internet since it started. Up until the past few years I could generally find a reliable answer to my question quite easily. Now there’s so much absolute garbage on there that finding genuine information is so difficult and time consuming that I’d prefer having the old encyclopedias we used to have. Modern search engines need some type of purge to weed out the billions of bits of conversations and opinions so that we can find actual researched sources. Sure, I know that as new information is learned that what we once thought was true is later found to be false, but what we have now is just crap.

ICBC woes

Had my car destroyed at 4am by a drunk new driver that had his BCDL less than five months. Now ICBC is finding a way to screw me: I cannot replace my car for the money they offered me. We as taxpayers and customers have no recourse or rights and nothing will happen to new driver from another country because of no fault insurance, and I’m the one left holding the bag. I can’t even recoup the money I’ve put out because of this. ICBC is a complete joke of a system. Only in BC do you pay money to get screwed over. Thanks for nothing, ICBC, your system is broken and needs to change.

Harder Nowadays

My father and mother worked retail jobs and were able to afford a house in East Vancouver purchased in 1983 for $83,000. Their interest rate was around 12.5%. I make $120,000/year and my wife makes $70,000/year and we can afford a three bedroom townhouse in Coquitlam with our two kids. We are by no means living extravagantly. We have two vehicles and live well below our means. Its just different nowadays. The cost of housing, daycare, and food are just through the roof. I am tired of the older generations continuing this rhetoric of our generation being lazy and spending our money on fancy coffees and avocados.


What do you do when you spend years clearing your name to false allegations against a person in trust. When you spend upwards of $10k on legal bills to navigate the system. When you spend close to 2 years of anxiety and stress slowly navigating the various legal avenues. Then the day(s) come when every legal victory is yours. In todays culture of being a victim in order to validate harming others the way they've harmed you, it would've been easy for me to go that route. To be filled with anger. Hate. To be a perpetual victim. As I stand atop this mountain, I am filled with empathy. There are no gold stars or money or retribution for overcoming false claims, there is only you facing your mirror knowing you overcame someone else shitty behaviour. And that's enough for myself.

Wondering about an employer's rights to know my SIN number in order to complete a background check

I have not been hired yet by this company but they are asking me to provide my SIN number in order for them to complete a background check on me. They want to check my employment history, educational background, complete a criminal record check and find out what my credit score is. What are your thoughts on a potential new employer requesting to know your SIN number before actually hiring you?

Ain't that a kick in the head

It happened before I even realized but I think I love you. I will never tell you, you can never and will never know and our solid friendship is now doomed. Eventually the heartache will wear and tear on me to the point where I just quietly slip away. I believe the kids today call this "ghosting." It's been nice knowing you.

How long till I croak

My health hasn’t been too good lately and sometimes, I’m not sure if I’ll even make it past my 40s. If let’s say, I die of a heart attack peacefully in my sleep, then so be it. I honestly don’t like the idea of getting old and gray, because that’s when the body starts to turn wrinkly and ugly. And I don’t like the idea of laying in a hospital bed with tubes up my nose or something like that. If I’m destined to leave this planet, then I’d rather go peacefully in my sleep. So be it then. Nope, it’s not suicidal ideations or anything.

Legal agreements to walk in the park?

Drove out to Lighthouse Park on a beautiful day to find the lot mostly empty. Turns out there was no cellular service. And the new parking system depends on that. Then it dawned on me what I had to agree to. Not only the parking app's terms of service, but to my cellular carrier's, the maker of the phone and the operating system provider's. Add in the various privacy policy documents and terms of sale. You're looking at over a hundred pages of legal agreements. To have a walk in the woods. Messed up.

Sad trade off

It’s great that he gave up drinking if it was creating a problem in his life. It’s sad that the only time he could ever say the things that I needed to hear from him was when he was drinking. I think if you can only express your true feelings when you’re drunk, alcohol is only a symptom of a much bigger problem.

Harder Nowadays- Stop Complaining

Having read through both rants (not confessions) it occurred to me that no one mentioned opportunities. In those days was very little tech- after high school for guys you hopefully had an in to work for the government, hoped to get a job in a mill,mine,logging, or a mechanic. Or get into trades, or university and engineering/forestry/geology etc The girls went in for teaching or health care or engineering, or worked in stores. That was it. Nowadays ANYONE can start online businesses, work at home and sell on eBay and other sites, import items from all over the world for resale, you can trade online crypto/stocks/gold, start social media and drop ship/ monetize a You Tube channel and also drop ship from it, start up consulting businesses from home,etc etc. And let's not even get started on all of the good paying tech and IT jobs out there. The thing about life that almost all out there miss is that you are not supposed to just stagnate. You should always be hustling,always be improving and always trying to get ahead and make more money. If you don't, you fall behind that is the way of the world- but sadly these days it seems everyone wants everything without sacrificing anything. Even with the increased housing, I would never trade the opportunities of today for the cheaper housing and limited opportunities of days gone by.


MEC biker babe

We were in line next to each other at MEC. You: shorter than me, blonde hair, green tee shirt,...